Our Managing Directors have been engaged in advising clients with sophisticated subject matter financial advisory assignments in our core industry focus, especially regarding sustainable and energy technologies. These assignments have included:

- Advice and assistance relating to lending, guarantee and grant programs offered by the U.S. Department of Energy, including the Loan Programs Office (LPO), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Fairness opinions
- Spin-out and joint venture strategy, valuation and negotiation
- Shareholder value enhancement strategy
- Shareholder Value Studies
- Acquisition valuation
- Negotiation strategy
- Strategy, valuation and investment bank selection for initial public offerings (IPO) and follow-on offerings on the US and London stock exchanges
We are particularly well positioned to assist clients of small-capitalization public companies that may be overlooked by larger investment banks that will not offer research coverage to small companies. We do not provide equity research coverage, although we are positioned to publish institutional Shareholder Value Studies for companies in our industry focus sector to highlight emerging opportunities or appeal to institutional Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) investors.
Our Managing Directors have been engaged in over 75 prior advisory engagements.
Recent advisory assignments undertaken by HamiltonClark include:
- Algenol, LLC, Fort Myers, FL – Valuation, documentation and assistance in formation of a corporate joint venture with a large industrial company to convert algae into bioproducts
- Entsorga USA, Inc. Wilmington, NC – Valuation, documentation and assistance in the spin-out of mechanical biological treatment (MBT) technology from the Italian parent company, to establish a North American waste recycling company.
- Stirling Biopower Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI – Shareholder value enhancement assignment to analyze financing or sale options for this leading kinematic Stirling engine company.
- Timoney Technologies, Ltd., Navan, Ireland – Advisory engagement to assist this advanced mobility technology company in documenting, valuing and selecting a nominated advisor (NOMAD) and broker, for an IPO on the London Alternative Investment Market (AIM).
While at a previous firm, Jim LoGerfo, our shareholder value enhancement Managing Director won recognition from Institutional Investor and StarMine for his research coverage of the clean energy sector. During that period, he wrote on American Power Conversion Corporation, American Superconductor Inc., Artesyn Embedded Technologies, Inc. AstroPower, Inc., Caminus Corp., Evergreen Solar, Inc., Intermagnetics General Corp., Power-One Inc., and SatCon Technology Corporation.
To review a complete listing of all 75 Advisory assignments undertaken by our Managing Directors while at HamiltonClark and at other firms, please sort through Advisory Transactions.