As we expanded from energy technologies to sustainable, clean and renewable energy businesses we also expanded our industry focus from renewable electricity (solar, wind and wave) to renewable transportation fuels. This led us to build-out an industry focus on biofuels and biobased products, including:
First Generation (corn) Ethanol
- New technologies
- Enhancements and cost reduction
- Project financing
Second Generation (cellulosic and advanced biofuel) Ethanol
- New technologies
- Hydrolysis
- Thermochemical
- Acid fermentation
- Carbon capture
- Enhancements and cost reduction
- Project financing
Third Generation (algae) Biofuels
- New technologies
- Enhancements and cost reduction
- Project financing
- Pre-treatment technologies
- Biomass logistics
- Biodiesel
- Renewable diesel
- Alternative aviation and marine bunker fuels
- Biochemicals, bioplastics, biopolymers
- Consumer products (bottles, food service ware, detergents, personal care)
- Algae-based bioproducts, plant-based proteins
Biomass to Electricity